St Mary Abbots is a small,thriving Church of England primary school in the heart of Kensington. We are committed to providing a broad and balanced education within a secure Christian educational environment. We expect the very highest standards of behaviour and attainment of all our 210 pupils. We want all of them to leave the school proud of their own successes, with a positive attitude and self confidence, equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to face the future.
St Mary Abbots is a compassionate school with a strong partnership with the neighbouring church and a weekly School Eucharist service each Thursday morning, in which the children take part. We hope that all our parents will have a close relationship with us and be actively involved in supporting your child’s learning.
The school has a dedicated, enthusiastic team of teachers and support staff who have high expectations of all pupils. As a one-form entry school, the staff pride themselves in knowing all the pupils at the school by name and creating a safe environment in which all pupils can flourish. The school is inclusive, ensuring equality of opportunity for everyone.