The World's End and Lots Road Plan

Summary of the Big Local Plan for Year 1 – 2015/16


This document is an outline of the World’s End & Lots Road partnerships’s approach towards achieving the Big Local objectives within the World’s End & Lots Road Area. Our vision is: “Local Individuals creating a strong and inclusive community”. Our aim with this plan is to employ that vision to make a lasting and positive difference to the World’s End and Lots Road community by gathering, focusing and nurturing whatever talent and energy exists within the local area.

Worlds End and Lots Road

The World’s End Estate and Lots Road Big Local area is located in the southernmost part of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.
The World’s End Estate contains 750 flats divided between the seven towers and the connecting walkways. The remainder of the Big Local area is made up of the Guinness Trust Estate, Ashburnham Mansions and the Lots Road area as far west as Tadema Road.

The Community Consultation

Using the information collected through consultation, the WE&LR partnership identified the following priority sectors.

  1. Jobs, Training and Enterprise
  2. Young People
  3. Community Events & Activities
  4. Green & Open Spaces

Achieving significant improvements in each of these areas will be the prime focus of the partnership over the lifetime of the WE&LR Big Local plan.


The WE&LR Big Local Partnership will identify and develop various projects in each of the priority sectors in order to materially improve the quality of life within the local area.


We will improve services and amenities that already exist. We will also create new services and amenities to address the plan’s Priorities.

Tactical Approaches

There will be three tactical approaches we intend to utilize to implement our various projects.

Partnership Projects

These projects will be devised and implemented by the WE&LR Big Local Partnership itself.

Stakeholder Projects

These are projects organized and implemented by Stakeholders and supported by the Partnership.

Small Grant-based Projects

These projects will be instigated and implemented by the residents themselves. We will provide a small grant application scheme whereby residents can put forward ideas for projects that meet our objectives.


Priority One Projects

Short term (Year 1)

  • Research & Development
  • Short project derived from research for Employability or SME Startup Assistance including Social Enterprise

Medium term (Year 2 +)

  • Employability Scheme
  • SME Startup Assistance Scheme including Social Enterprise

Priority Two Projects

Short term (Year 1)
Research & Development
Homework Club – Research what homework and tutoring support is available locally. Research the local services and facilities available for young people. Identify gaps in service provision and barriers to young people accessing existing provision.
Medium term (Year 2+)

  • Youth Manifesto – develop a number of youth manifestos which provide contracts between local young people and local agencies and businesses.
  • Develop menu of local services for young people.

Priority Three Projects

Short term (Year 1)

  • Research & Development
  • Neighbourhood Building Scheme.

Medium term (Year 2+)

  • Community Hub/Office.
  • Community activities (for example: a party for children; an inter generational event; and a community-wide inclusive event)
  • Networking events

Priority Four Projects

Short term (Year 1)

  • Audit of green and open spaces (including the Piazza).

Medium term (Year 2+)

  • Community Chest

Priority Five Projects

Short term (Year 1)

  • Research and development to identify Learning and Development needs of existing partners, operational staff and activists.
  • Establish criteria and operational procedures for Small Grants Scheme.

Medium term (Year 2+)

  • Partnership training and support
  • Activist training and support
  • Small Grants Scheme


The Partnership

The partners will act as a strategic body. Their main responsibility will be to provide direction for both the operational staff and the WE&LR Big Local.


The Managers role is primarily concerned with administration and communications. The Manager will also be responsible for managing the Small Grants programme.

Project Worker/Researcher

The Project Worker’s role is primarily concerned with Partner Projects. They will also assist with Stakeholder Projects where necessary and may be asked to provide advice to Small Grant recipients.

The Management Committee

The Management Committee will be a sub-set of the Partnership. The primary responsibility of the Management Committee will be to provide operational oversight for the permanent staff alongside the LTO manager.

The Big Local Rep

The primary roles of the Big Local Rep will be to: support the area to deliver the Big Local Plan.

The LTO Representative

The LTO Representative will be asked to work alongside the Management Committee in its role overseeing the operational staff.

Resident Activists

Those residents of the WE&LR Big Local area who wish to get involved in any of the priority areas.